Measurements of the altar of Our Lady of Good Fortune in St. Walburga’s Church in Antwerp: altar tomb in the centre, with a door to the right and left; above it a space has been left open in the centre in a frame (possibly for a statue), in which a drape is hung; to the left and right of this are two columns supporting an openwork fronton with two kneeling angels. At the top centre, Christ (?) is sitting with the globe. A floor plan is drawn under the altar. A scale indication is given on the left-hand edge.
J.H. Altenrath/Willem Ignatius Kerricx
Watercolour; black ink on paper
739 x 487 mm
Marks :
Inscription in the upper left corner; inscription centred on the altar tomb, in the medallion; inscription at the bottom, on the drawing of the ground plan; inscription on the reverse.
Plantin-Moretus-Museum, Antwerp